Since 2017, Espacios Abiertos has been examining the financial interests of Board members and employees. EA filed a public complaint about the failure of Board members and employees to disclose their financial interests which garnered the attention and a reaction from this body. However, the information published by the Board about its financial interests is deficient and incomplete.
The Board continues to breach the PROMESA Law. Section 109 is very specific when it comes to ethical issues, conflicts of interest, and disclosure of financial interests, and applies to ALL of the members of the Board and to ALL of its employees. Not all members have fully complied with the disclosure of the information required, and what is worse, even in the case of the most complete reports, the information provided is not sufficient to know whether or not there is a conflict of interest and if any of the members or employees is improperly benefiting from their position.
Here you can read about the methodology we used to examine the financial reports of the Board.