Puerto Rico’s fiscal crisis has made visible the mismanagement of government resources; product of the lack of access to information, transparency and accountability in public administration. As a result, the people are tired of this climate of mistrust, secrecy and uncertainty. At Espacios Abiertos we are ready to be voice of the people and encourage participation to achieve radical changes, based on greater transparency and access to the government.
In the present crisis, learn how you can get involved in demanding transparency and accountability. It is up to all of us to claim our rights and be active participants in this transformation. Explore our guides and reference materials.

El Barómetro de la Transparencia es un repositorio digital creado para las personas interesadas en los temas de transparencia. Aquí podrás encontrar noticias donde se ha mencionado o se ha exigido transparencia en los haberes públicos. Explora el repositorio y #ExigeTransparencia.

¿Conoces quienes te representan? Conoce a tus líderes electos y déjales saber tu opinión sobre temas que afecten a tu comunidad o a ti. Oprime el botón para acceder a los correos electrónicos, números de teléfono y redes sociales de los que te representan en el gobierno.

El laboratorio comunitario es una plataforma digital creada para líderes comunitarios. Aquí encontrarás información para apoyarte en tu trabajo: ideas de cómo conocer mejor a tu comunidad, generar y dirigir los cambios que necesitan, guías para atender situaciones que impactan a tu vecindario y recursos generales de referencia para tu trabajo. El repaso del material te ayudará a apoyar a tu comunidad a lograr sus metas.

How do I participate in a public hearing? How do I write a speech? This training guide has been prepared by Espacios Abiertos to promote citizen participation in any public hearing process.

Do you know who represents you? Let him or her know that your opinion counts. Press the button to access the contact information of all members of the Legislative Assembly of Puerto Rico. You will also find a call template and guide for calling and sending letters to the Legislature.

In Puerto Rico, even though there is no law regulating access to public information, we do have the constitutional right to access information, as established by the Supreme Court in Soto vs. Secretary of Justice, 112 D.P.R. 477 (1982).
Since the 1990’s, more than a hundred countries have established laws guaranteeing access to public information, which is why at Espacios Abiertos we want to join this international movement in favor of legislation granting access. In order to demand a truly transparent government, we put together 10 principles in favor of access to public information.

The fiscal situation, the debt and the budget have all become topics of discussion in Puerto Rican daily life. But, does everyone understand the jargon used by scholars, economists and bankers?
This dictionary compiles commonly used terminology with the objective of democratizing knowledge, achieving a better understanding of the problem and encouraging participation by citizens in these debates.

‘Rights. They’re Yours. Defend Them.’ is a series of 7 videos and complementary materials dedicate to educating the public about universal human rights and the constitutional rights of Puerto Ricans.
We cannot defend what we don’t know, thus we are committed to assuring that each person on this island learns about their rights and that of their communities so that they can exercise them.

Today transparency is considered an indispensable part of democracy. Without government transparency, citizens cannot gather the required information to participate in public debate and adequately evaluate the performance of public institutions and their officials.

Have you ever been “stopped”, “hit” or “harassed” by the Police and you didn’t know how to react? Have they entered your house or your neighbor’s house without a search warrant? Have they exceeded in the use of force to someone in front of you?
You may be aware that you have rights during a police intervention but may not be sure what they are.

Recording the Police is an effective way of holding them accountable. These tips will help you capture material that may be useful as evidence in an accountability process.